As an avid fan of Target it was imperative that I make the trip to the nearest location as soon as possible. Seeing as that I don't have a car here in the Chi it was the bus for me. And the evening went as follows...
take the 73 Armitage going west, get off at Western. look around and realize you did your first Chicago walk of shame in this slightly sketchy heavily Hispanic neighborhood.
get on the 49 Western going north, except you get on and go in the opposite direction and realize you are quickly approaching the south side of Chicago eeeek. get off the 49 going south as soon as possible and walk the 6 blocks back to Armitage, get heckled by a Mexican car salesman.
reach Armitage and watch the last bus pass you by
walk to Fullerton get on the 74 and walk down Lincoln, get heckled by an old drunk man. See the glorious sign for Dairy Queen! after a three hour trip that did not end up at Target a snickers blizzard is a fine prize....
lesson learned: don't take the 76 after 7:00 cause you're not getting back home
1 comment:
ahh Lauren i so feel your pain! My next attempt at blogging will be to share my Chi-town transit story, too....ohhh buses.
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